Yaws: Literatur


Yaws: Literatur

Yaws - Literatur

Literatur: A Discussion on Yaws. 68. Annual Meeting of the British med. Assoc. Ipswich 1900; Brit. med. Journ. 1. September 1900, pag. 561. ? BEAUMANNOIR, Arch. de m6d. nav. Januar 1891. ? L. Q. BOWERBANK, Observations on yaws. Med. Times and Gaz. 3. April 1880. ? A. BREDA, Beitrag zum klinischen und bakteriologischen Studium der brasilianischen Framboesie oder »Boubas«. Arch. f. Dermat. und Syph. 1895, XXXIIi, Nr. 1 und 2, pag. 3. ? CAILLOT, Note sur le tonga. Arch. de. med. nav. 1888, XLIX, pag. 228. ? M. CHARLOUIS, Ueber Polypapilloma tropicum (Framboesia). Viertel jahrschr. f. Dermat. und Syph. 1881, Nr. 2?3. ? R. M CONOLLY, Yaws in the Malay Peninsula. Brit. med. Journ. 18. Juni 1898, pag. 1588. ? COBBE, Traite clinique des maladies des pays chauds. 1887, pag. 607. ? KARL DÄUBLER, Tropenkrankheiten. Bibl. med. Wissensch. I. Int. Med. und Kinderkh. III. ? A. B. DUPREY, A contribution on the question of yaws and syphilis. Journ. of trop. Med. August 1900, pag. 6. ? EIJKMAN, Geneesk. Tijdschr. voor Nederl. -Ind. 1889, XXVIII, 1. ? R. H. FJRTH, ALLBÜTT'S Syst. of Med. 1897, II, pag. 501. ? GEBER, Art. »Fram boesia« in EL'LENBURG'S Real-Encyclop. 2. Aufl. 1886, VII, pag. 337. ? E. H. GEWAND, Ueber Polypapilloma tropicum (Framboesia, Yaws). Inaug. -Dissert. Freiburg i. Br. 1889. ? W. S. GRIFPITH, Clinical report on four cases of suspected yaws or framboesia. Journ. of trop. Med. Februar 1900, pag. 177. ? A. HERBERT HALLEN, Yaws in mother and infant. Brit. med. Journ. 24. September 1898, pag. 895. ? A. HIRSCH, Handbuch der histor. -geogr. Path. 2. Aufl. 1883, II, pag. 69. ? CHARLES T. W. HIRSCH, An account of two cases of coko or framboesia. Lancet. 18. Juli 1896, pag. 173. ? J. P. HUGGINS, Case of framboe&ia or yaws. Lancet. 2. Dec. 1871. ? IZQUIERDO, New York med. Rec. 2. Juli 1887. ? N. W. KEELAN, Vaccination and Yaws. Lancet. 5. August 1876, pag. 201. ? KÖNIGER, Ueber Framboesia auf Samoa. VIRCHOW'S Archiv. 1878, LXX1I, pag. 419. ? W. R. KYNSEY en J. GOSLINGS, Rapport over de parangi ziekte of Ceylon. Geneesk. Tijdschr. voor Nederl. -Ind. 1883. ? D. MAJOCCHI e P. BOSELLINI, Süll1 etiologia del boubas. Bull, delle scienze med. di Bologna. 1899. ? G. MILROY, Report on leprosy and yaws in the West-Indies. London 1873. ? G. MILROY, On yaws and some allied diseases. Med. Times and Gaz. 4. November 1876, pag. 514. ? G. MILROY, On yaws etc. Ebenda. 17. Februar 1877, pag. 169. ? G. MILROY, Observations on yaws. Ebenda. 11. October 1879. ? G. MILROY, Yaws: what are its attri- butes? Ebenda. 21. Februar 1880. ? G. MILROY, Yaws: geography of the disease. Ebenda. 26. Juni 1880. ? G. MILROY, Parangi disease of Ceylon, allied to yaws. Ebenda. 14. Januar 1882. ? A. NICHOLLS, Third report of the med. Superintendent of yaws hosp. in the island of Dominica. Brit. med. Journ. 6. December 1879. ? A. NICHOLLS, Observations on yaws. Med. Times and Gaz. 3., 10. Januar 1880. ? A. NICHOLLS, Report on Yaws in Tobago, Grenada, St. Vincent, St. Lucia and the Leeward Islands. London 1894. ? ARTH. H. NOLAN, Burmese »Kwe-na«. Brit. med. Journ. 2. Februar 1895, pag. 273. ? PIEREZ, Dissert. Edin burgh 1890. ? PONTOPPIDAN, Yaws and Framboesia. Vierteljahrschr. f. Dermat. und Syph. 1882, IX, Nr. 2. ? A. POWELL, An epidemic of yaws in Assam. Ind. med. Gaz. September 1894, pag. 326. ? A. POWELL, Ebenda. October 1897. ? A. POWELL, Further observations on framboesia or yaws. Ebenda. August 1898, pag. 281. ? WILLIAM THOMAS PROÜT, Fram boesia or yaws. DAVIDSON'S Hyg. and dis. of warm clim. Edinburgh and London 1893, pag. 511. ? B. RAKE, Postmortem appearances in cases of yaws. Brit. Journ. of Dermat. 1892, Nr. 50. ? Roux, Traite* pratique des maladies des pays chauds. 1888, III, pag. 309. ? SAUVAGES, Nosologia methodica. Amstel. 1763, III, Pars 2, pag. 425. ? B. SCHEÜBE, Die Krankheiten der warmen Länder. Jena 1900, 2. Aufl., pag. 325. ? S. SCHOONDERMARK jun., Framboesia, Yaws, Pian, Polypapilloma tropicum, dermatological study. Amsterdam 1886. ? ALEX. J. F. SKOTTOWE, Framboesia or »Coko«. Glasgow med. Journ. März 1890. ? F. SMITH, Yaws in Borneo. Lancet. October 1894, pag. 910. ? V. GUNSON THORPE, Yaws in the South Sea Islands. Brit. med. Journ. 18. Juni 1898, pag. 1586. ? A. O. TREBECK, Note on the prevalence of framboesia among the Fijans. Med. News. 26. März 1898. ? P. G UNNA, Die Histopathologie der Hautkrankheiten. Berlin 1894, pag. 503. ? WERNICH, Artikel »Yaws« in EULENBURG'S Real-Encyclopäd. 1890, 2. Aufl., XXI, pag. 397. B. Scheute.

Yaws - Literatur

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