Zange: Literatur


Zange: Literatur

Bei dem grossen Umfange der Literatur der Zange beschränken wir uns hier auf die möglichst vollständige Anführung der Literatur der letzten Jahrzehnte. Acconci, Beitrag zur compressiven Wirkung der Zange. Tarin 1886. ? Adolphus, The mechanical adaptation of the obstetrical forceps. Chicago 1880. ? Allen, The treatment of delay in the first stage of natural labor, with Special reference to the early use of the forceps. Atlanta M. Reg. 1882. ? Avkling, The curves of midwifery forceps, their origin and uses. Tr. Obst. Soc. London 1879, pag. 130?151. ? Aveling, The Chamberlens and the midwifery forceps: memorials of the family, and an essay on the invention of the instrument. London 1882. J. and A. Churchill. 231 S. ? Bailly, Considörations Bur le forceps ä branches de traction articulees. Journ. de med. de Paris. 1886, XI, pag. 58. ? Barnes, On the use of forceps and its alternatives in lingering labor. Tr. Obst. Soc. London 1880, pag. 121?160. ? Barnes, On axis traction and oscillation movement with the obstetric forceps. Brit. med. Journ. London 1883, II, pag. 871. ? Barnes, The accoucheur and his forceps. Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic. 1889, pag. 299. ? Bell, Use of Tarnier's forceps. Tr. Edinburg Obst. Soc. _ Bell, A description of Tarnier's forceps. Edinburgh med. Journ. 1878?79, pag. 890 bis 892. ? Benjamin, Obstetric forceps. M. J. Reporter. Philadelphia 1886, pag. 484. ? Bergesio, Escursioni ostetriche: forcipe mediocre o forcipe gigante? Annal. di ostetr. Milano pag. 432. ? Blenbarne, An improved midwifery forceps. Brit. med. Journ. London 1889, I, pag. 423. ? Blenkarne, An improved midwifery forceps. Prov. med. Journ. Leicester 1889, VIII, pag. 136. ? Boiliniere, The forcep3, N. Eng. M. Month. Bridgeport, Conn. 1886?87, VI, pag. 75. ? Bonnaire, Präsentation du nouveau modele du forceps de M. le prof. Tarnier. Congress. Kopenhagen 1884, pag. 121. ? Bohjakovski, Neue Zange. (Russisch.) Wratsch. St. Petersburg 1889, X, pag. 530. ? Braun v. Fernwald, Ueber die vielseitige Verwendbarkeit einer dreigestaltigen Geburtszange. Wiener med. Wochenschr. 1886, XXXVI, pag. 285. ? Breüs, Ueber eine neue vereinfachte Construction der sogenannten Achsenzugzangen. Archiv f. Gyn. 1882, XX, pag. 211. ? Breus, Die Beckeneingangszangen. Wien 1885. Toeplitz und Deuticke. ? Breus, Zur Frage der Beckeneingangszangen. Wiener med. Presse. 1886, XXVII, pag. 340, ? Budin, Les Chamberlens; kquel d'entre eux imagina le forceps? Bull. gen. de therap. Paris 1885, pag. 356. ? Budin, De l'application du forceps sur la tete arretee au niveau du plancher p6rin6al. Scmaine med. Paris 1888, VIII, pag. 393. ? Bumm, Ueber Achsenzugzangen. Samml. klin. Vorträge. 1888, Nr. 318 (Syn. Nr. 91). ? Campbell, On the use of forceps in midwifery. Liverpool Med. Chir. Journ. 1882, II, pag. 145. ? Capron, General remarks on the use of obstetrical forceps. Tr. Rhode Island med. Soc. 1880, Provi-dence 1881, pag. 300. ? Caroll, The prompt application of forceps to the after-coming head, with report of cases. Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic. 1889, pag. 677. ? Chalot, Utilite du forceps dans un cas de presentation pelvienne. Gaz. hebd. de sc. med. de Montpel. 1882, IV, pag. 181. ? Chassagny, Pression et reduction de la tete; nouveau forceps. Arch. de tocol. Paris 1884, XI, pag. 402, 481. ? Chassagny, Au sujet du dernier forceps de M. Poullet. Arch. de Tocol. Paris 1884, XI, pag. 783. ? Chassagny, Modifications appärtees o son dernier forceps. Arch. de tocol. Paris 1885, XII, pag. 146. ? Chassagny, Nouveau forceps. Union m6d. Paris 1885. ? Chiarleoni, 11 forcipe nel servizio ostetrico di S. Corona in Milano. Gazz. d. osp. Milano 1882, III, pag. 546. ? Coe, The immediate application of forceps to the after-coming head in cases of versiou with partial dilatation of the os. Med. News. Philadelphia 1889, pag. 51. ? Comstock, Aphorisms regarding the use of the obstetrical forceps. U. States M. Invest. Chicago 1884, XX, pag. 98. ? Crede, Zange am nachfolgenden Kopfe. Archiv f. Gyn. XXV. ? Cribb, A Suggestion for the easy application of the midwifery forceps. Brit. med. Journ. London 1884, I, pag. 1144. ? Crouzat, D'un tracteur qu'on peut annexer ä volonte* au forceps classique. Arch. de tocol. Paris 1883, X, pag. 332. ? Cüzzi, Sul forcipe Guyon. Torino 1878, pag. 561, 581, 593, 617. ? Cuzzi, Forcipe e rivolgimento nel bacino ovalare obliquo. Giorn. internat. d. sc. med. Napoli 1881, n. s., III, pag. 941. ? Cuzzi, II forcipe Tarnier allo stretto superiore ed il pelvio goniometro. Riv. clin di Bologna. 1882. ? Delassus, D'un procöde fort himple permettant les tractions lentes et continues sur le forceps. Journ. de sc. m6d. de Lille. 1888, II, pag. 457. ? Diaz Pulido, Dos casos que justifican una vez mas las ventajas del forceps sobre el cornezuelo. Siglo med. Madrid 1880, pag. 200. ? Dickinson, Breus' forceps. Amer. Journ. Obst. New-York 1887, XX, pag. 405. ? Diehl, Axis traction forceps. Med. Press West. New-York. Buffalo 1887, II, pag. 179. ? Doleris, Le forceps Tarnier. N. Arch. d'obst. et de gyn. Paris 1886, I, pag. 636. ? Du-champ, Le forceps de M. Poullet et la compression proportionelle. Arch. de tocol. Paris 1884, ? XI, pag. 974. ? Duke, A new tractor for obstetric forceps. Brit. med. Journ. London 1879, pag. 189. ? Duke, Aid in forcep delivery. Brit. med. Journ. London 1880, pag. 693. ? Düke, Additional traction in forceps cases as an alternative to craniotomy. Dublin Journ. med. Sc. 1882. ? Duncan, Against the pendulum movement in working the midwifery forceps. Tr. Edinburgh Obst. Soc. 1878, pag. 195?201. ? Düse, Sul forcipe novello del Prof. Tarnier Osservazione critiche. Gazz. med. ital. prov. venete. Padova 1879. ? Endris. The new forceps of Dr. Breus of Vienna. Med. Index Kansas. City 1886, VII, pag. 1. ? Fasola, 11 forcipe Tarnier. Torino 1880, pag. 681. ? Fasola, 11 forcipe Tarnier etc. Ann. di ostetr. Milano 1881, III, pag. 491. ? Faye, Nogle Bemaerkinger om Brug og Nytte of Forlösning-standgen over for Anvendelse af en relativ hyppigere Perforation paa levende Born. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk. Christiania 1881, XI, pag. 875. ? Felsenreich, Experiences with the
axis-tractionforceps. Journ. Amer. M. Ass. Chicago 1886, VI, pag. 144. - Firor, Use of orceps in obstetncal practice. Amer. Pract. Louisville 1880, pag? 148. - Foulis On axis Entwicklung des nachfolgenden Kopfes. Archiv f. Gyn. XXI, pag. 55. - Freudenberg, Zange bei nachfolgendem Kopfe. Centralbl. F. Gyn. 1886, Nr 13. ? B. Freund, Beschreibung ufd Kritik über Poullet's neu erfundene Zange. Frauenarzt. Berlin 1888, III, pag 233 ? Fry Breus modification of the obstetric forceps. Amer. Journ. Obst. New-York 1887, XX paff 251 ? K. Fürst, Zangenoperationen. Wiener med. Wochenschr. 1883, XXXIII, pag. 376. - C Fürst Ueber die C. BREüs'schen Beckeneingangszangen. Wiener med. Blätter. 1885, pag 456 ? Gillette Disorganizatioi]i of the pubic symphysis, due to improper use of the forceps. Amer. Journ. Obst. ^ew-York 1882 XV, Suppl. 266. - Goffin, Jean Palfyn, inventeur du forceps Art. med. Bruxelles 1886-1887, XXII, pag. 305, 321. - Grainger, A new obstetric forceps for Operation at the superior strait. Med. Kec. New-York 1882, XXI, pag. 277. ? Griswold Phe obstetric forceps. N. Eng. M. Month. Sandy Hook Conn. 1883?1884, III pag 497 -Grynfeltt, Un cas d'application du forceps sur le siege. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. deMontpel. lööl, lll, pag. 4d4, 446. ? Gueniot, Sur le forceps d'obst. N. Arch. d'obst. et de gyn. Paris 1886 i alifg' 629' ~~ Hamilton, Use of the orceps in tedious labour. Tr. Edinburgh Obst. Soc' 1879. ? Hamilton, The forceps and craniotomy versus turning. Edinburgh Med. Journ. 1881 bis 1882, XXVI, pag. 1090. ? Hamon, Nouveau forceps ä cuillieres reductibles. Gaz. de gyn. Paris 1885?1886, I, pag. 37. ? Hamon de Fresnay, Le forceps etc. ? dans les cas de dystocie par presentation du siege. Siecle m. Paris 1881, II, pag. 81. ? Harvey, On the use of the lorceps in certam cases of breech presentation. Indian m. Gaz. Calc. 1884, XIX, pag. 162 ? Hergott, Les Chamberlen, Jean Palfyn, le forceps. Annal. de gyn. Paris '1888* XXIX pag. 1. ? Hill, Use of the obstetric forceps. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass. Jackson 1879, pag 163* 168. ? Hilliard, Obstetric forceps. Brit. med. Journ. London 1880, pag. 287. ? Halland' The axis-traction forceps for high delivery. Lancet. London 1886, I, pag. 309. ? Hubert' Le manoeuvre du forceps, d'apres M. Pajot. Kev. m6d. Louvain 1882, I, pag. 139 217 ? Hubert, De quelques nouveaux forceps. Rev. med. Louvain 1884, III, pag. 385. ?'jakesch Die Zange bei Scheitellagen und am nachfolgenden Kopfe. Prager med. Wochenschr. 1881* VI, pag. 495. ? Jakesch, Ueber die Anwendung der Zange bei Scheitellagen. Wiener med Presse 1881, XXII, pag. 1581. Ingerslev, Födselstangen. En obstetricisk Studie. Kjöbenh, lööb, A. F. Host & Söns. ? Ingerslev, Die hohe Zange bei engem Becken. Oentralbl. für i S J? ' oo pag. 266 ? Invebardi ll forcipe traente nell'asse. Ann. di ostet. Milano 1884, VI, pag. 229, 261, 329. ? Irgens, On Jördemodres Anvendelse af Fodselstang. Norsk Mag f. Laegevidensk. Christiania 1882, XII, pag. 549. - Kade, Ein Zangensupplement. lllustr. Monatsschr. f. ärztl. Polytechnik. Bern 1888, X, pag. 51. - Kingmann, Turning or high forceps. Amer. Journ. Obst. New-Yoik 1884, XVII, pag. 723. - Krukenberg, Erfahrungen mit der Tarnier'schen Zange. Aren. f. Gyn. XXVIII, pag. 78. - Kücher, Forceps Tarnier. Wiener med. Presse. 1879, Nr. 20. ? Lahs, Die Achsenzugzangen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Tarnier'schen Zangen. Stuttgart 1881. - Landis, How to use the forceps. few'York 188°- ? lake, Report on the use of the obstetric forceps. Cincinnati, Med. News 1879, pag. 289?299. ? Lange, En Modifikation af Födelstangen. Hosp. Tid. Kjöbenh. 1889 3. K., VII, pag. 901. ? Lazarewitsch, On the obstetrical forceps. Tr. Intern, med. Congr! 7. sess. London 1881, IV, pag. 243. ? Lenoel, Observation d'une fracture de Tos iliaque dans un bassin rötreci produite pendant l'application du forceps. Soc. m<§d. d'Amiens. Bull. 1880. XVIII, XIX, pag. 85. ? Le Paye, On axis-traction in delivery with obstetric forceps. Brit med. Journ. London 1883, II, pag. 768. - Le Pileur, Le nouveau forceps de Tarnier. N. Arch. d'obst. et de gyn. Paris 1886, I, pag. 365. ? Loviot, Des applications de forceps dans les vanetes posterieures du sommet et de la face. Annal. de gyn. Paris 1884, XXII pag. 241. ? Lowndes, Suggestions to the mode of using the forceps. Brit. med. ' Journ! London 1881, II, pag. 46. ? Lowndes, On traction with forceps during an interval. Liverpool Med. -Chir. Journ. 1883, III, pag. 302. - Lusk, On version forceps and the expeetant plan m the treatment of contracted pelvis. Lancet. London 1880, pag. 679, 715. ? Lwoff Zur unbeendeten Extraction des Kindes am Kopf durch Zange. Centralblatt für Gyn. 1886* Nr. 25. ? Lyon, Removable axis-traction rods for midwifery forceps. Glasgow Med. Journ! pag. 446. ? Macdonald, A new indicating axis traction forceps. Lancet. London II, pag. 139. ? Mac Muün, A modified midwifery forceps. Lancet. London 1886, I, pag. 1024. ? Macvie, Perineal curve axis-traction forceps. Brit. med. Journ. London 1882, I, pag. 9. ? Madden, Abridged report of an address on the use of the forceps and its im-provement. Lancet. London 1888, II, pag. 304. ? Maggioli, Sul foreipe novello per il Prof. Tarnier. Sperimentale. Firenze 1878, pag. 382-405. ? Mann, Axis-traction forceps. N. Eng. M. Month. Sandy Hook. Conn. 1884-1885, IV, pag. 434. ? Masaltinov, Die gerade Geburtszange von Prof. Lazarewitsch. (Russisch.) Wratsch. St. Petersburg 1883, IV, pag. 289, 311. ? Massalitinoff, Du forceps droit aux branches paralleles du Prof. Lazarewitsch! Ann. de gyn. Paris 1884, XXI, pag. 29. ? Mc. Collom, The use of the obstetric forceps. Boston Med. and Surg. Journ. 1882, pag. 266. ? Mc. Laürin, An axis-traction midwifery forceps with sliding blades. Lancet. London 1886, II, pag. 402. ? Menees, The use of the obstetric forceps. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Nashville 1880, pag. 43. ? M'Ferran, Obstetrical forceps jointed at the junetion of the blades and shanks. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Philad. 1884, XVI pag. 324. ? Mooee, The use of catheter before forceps-delivery. Edinbourgh Med. 'Journ. 1881?1882, XXVII, pag. 273. ? More, The long and short forceps in mid-wifery. Obst. J. Gr. Brit. London 1880, pag. 722. ? Murray, The use of the forceps in deli-very. Med. Gaz. New-York 1883, X, pag. 208. ? Neale's modification of Dr. Felsenreich's modification of Prof. A. Simpson's axistraction forceps. Therap. Gaz. Detroit 1885. ? Neale, A new obstetrical forceps. Maryland Med. Journ. Baltimore 1889, XXI, pag. 87. ? Nelsoh, The obstetric forceps. N. Eng. M. Month. Sandy Hook, Conn. 1883?1884, III, pag. 247. ? Nelson, The obstetric forceps. Tr. Gyn. Soc. Boston 1889. ? M. Neville, Achsenzug- und Geburtszange. Dublin Journ. of med. Sc. Februar u. April 1886. ? Newton, Axis-traction forceps. Australas Med. Gaz. Sydney 1883-1884, III, pag. 229. ? Nieberding, Ueber Achsenzugzangen. Münchener med. Wochenschr. 1886, XXXIII, pag. 181. ? Noble, Remarks on the use of the obstetric forceps. M. S. Reporter. Philadelphia 1889, pag. 535. ? M. Nord au, Ueber den Forceps Tarnier. Pester med. -chir. Presse. Budapest 1879, pag. 73, 97, 117?119. ? Obissier, Application du forceps au detroit superieur; nouveau procödö. Bull. gen. de th6rap. Paris 1882, pag. 64. ? Opie, Is the frequent use of forceps abuse? Tr. Amer. Ass. Obst. Gyn. Philadelphia 1888, I, pag. 142. ? O'Reillt, Elementary obser-vations on the use of obstetrical forceps. Med. Herald. Louisville 1883?1884, V, pag. 304. ? Pajot, La premiere sur le forceps ä l'aiguille. Trav. d'obst. et de gyn. Paris 1882, pag. 225, 241. ? Parishev, Breus' Zange. Ejened. klin. Gaz. St. Petersburg 1885, V, pag. 675. ? Parker, Breus' obstetric forceps. Cleveland Med. Gaz. 1885?1886, I, pag. 116. ? Partridge, An obstetrical forceps. New Yoik med. Journ. 1885, pag. 623. ? Parsous, Premature deliv-ery-forceps. Med. Rec. New-York 1883, XXIV, pag. 80. ? Parvin, Removal of the forceps before delivery of the head. Amer. Pract. Louisville 1883, XXVII, pag. 134. ? Parvin, The obstetric forceps. Peoria M. Month. 1885?1886, VI, pag. 599. ? Pistoni, Modo di agire del forcipe Rizzoli. Spallanzani. Modena 1879, pag. 68?70. ? Ponte, El uso del forceps. Gac. cien. de Venezuela. Caracas 1881, pag. 2. ? Porak, Considörations cliniques sur l'emploi du forceps Tarnier et du forceps Poullet. N. Arch. d'obst. et de gyn. Paris 1886, I, pag. 254. ? Porro, Un trofeo del forcipe Lovati ed un avventura del forcipe Naegele. Gazz. med. ital. lomb. Milano 1882. ? Porteous, A new variety of forceps the blades of which were covered with vulcanite. Edinburgh Med. Journ. 1878?1879, pag. 839. ? Poullet, Forceps souple ä tractions independantes. Lyon med. 1881, XXXVIII, pag. 584. ? Poullet, Des diverses especes de forceps, leurs avantages et leurs inconvönients. Lyon 1883. ? Poullet, Des principes sur lesquels doit reposer la construction d'un forceps; description d'un nouveau forceps. Arch. de tocol. Paris 1884, XI, pag. 569. ? Price and Faught, On the use of obstetrical forceps as a speculum and protector to the vagina in operations upon the foetus in utero. Med. News. Philadelphia 1884, pag. 121. ? Quinan, A historical study of the invention and publication of the English midwifery forceps. Maryland Med. Journ. Baltimore 1881?1882, VIII, pag. 292. ? Quinn, Indications for the use of the forceps. Amer. Pract Louisville 1881, pag. 257. ? Reith, The axis-traction forceps. Edinbourgh med. Journ. 1880?1881, pag. 700. ? Remy, Du forceps comme moyen d'extraction dans les presentations du siege, mode des fesses. Mem. soc. med. de Nancy. 1889, pag. 106. ? Rey, Contribution ä l'etude theorique du forceps. Bull, et mem. Soc. obst. et gyn. de Paris. 1886, I, pag. 159; Arch. de tocol. Paris 1886, XIII, pag. 385. ? Rey, Quelques remarques sur le forceps. Gaz. m<§d. de Paris. 1886, III, pag. 293. ? Rey, Examen critique du forceps Tarnier; reponse ä M. Bailly. Arch. de tocol. Paris 1886, XIII, pag. 529. ? Reynolds, On axistraction forceps, the principles of their construction and their value in practice, with a description of a new model. Boston med. and Surg. Journ. 1888, pag. 489. ? Rockman, Terror of the forceps. Pacific Med. and Surg. Journ. 1879?1880, pag. 520. ? v. Rokitansky, Ueber die Geburt etc. Zange. Deutsche Med. Zeitung. 1884, V, pag. 57, 71. ? Ronaldson, Ueber Achsenzugzange. Edinbourgh Med. Journ. October 1883. ? Roper, A fragment of experience in the frequent and unfrequent use of the forceps. Brit. med. Journ. London 1881, pag. 638. ? Ruth, A new attachment to obstetrical forceps. Jowa State M. Reporter des Moines. 1885?1886, III, pag. 145. ? Sänger, Ueber Zangen mit Zugapparaten und axen-gemässe Zangenextraction etc. Arch. f. Gyn. Berlin 1881, XVII, pag. 382. ? Sänger, Die Chamberlens. Arch. f. Gyn. Berlin 1887, XXXI, pag. 119. ? Sawyer, The continued pelvic curve in the obstetric forceps, with remarks on forceps in general. Chicago Med. Journ. and Exam. 1885, pagi 15. ? B. S. Schültze, Ueber Achsenzugzange. Zeitschr. f. Med. 1883, pag. 283. ? B. S. Schültze, Anleitung zur Wendung auf den Fuss und zum Gebrauch der Geburtszange für die zur Ausführung der genannten Operation ausdrücklich berechtigten Hebammen. Leipzig 1885, Engelmann. ? Schuyler, A new obstetiic forceps. New York med. Journ. 1884, XXXIX, pag. 270. ? Seyler, Version or forceps in pelvis narrowed in the coDJugate diameter. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Milwaukee 1880, pag. 153. ? Simpson, Again on axistraction forceps. Edinburgh Med. Journ. 1883?1884, XXIX, pag. 289. ? Sloan, Antero-posterior compression forceps for application at the brim of flat pelves. Brit. med. Journ. London 1889, I, pag. 229. ? Smith, Axis-traction with the obstetrical forceps. Tr. Amer. Gyn. Soc. Philadelphia 1882, VI, pag. 291. ? Smith, A few words on the use of the obstetric forceps. Med. and surg. Reporter. Philadelphia 1884, pag. 449. ? Snowden, The abuse of the obstetric forceps. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jer3ey, Newark 1880, pag. 63. ? Stapfer, Conside-rations sur le forceps, Annal. de gyn. Paris 1882, XVIII, pag. 450. ? Stark, Case of foot, and breech presentation; application of breech forceps etc. Amer. Journ. of Obstetr. 1880 paf c "" Stedman> The forceps in relation to ruptures of the perinaeum. Boston Med! and Surg. Journ. 1880, pag. 517. ? Steinriede, Value of the forceps in difficnlt labor. Med. Surg. Keporter. Philadelphia 1880, pag. 503. ? Stephenson, On the rotatory action of the orceps Obstetr. Journ. Gr. Brit. London 1880, VIII, pag. 684; Med. Times and Gaz. London 1880, II, pag. 552; Lancet. London 1880, II, pag. 773. ? Stephenson, On the principle of traction-rods, with a simple Suggestion applicable to any forceps. Brit. med. Journ. London 1886, pag. 411. ? Stephenson, A criticism of the midwifery forceps in general use. Brit. med. Journ. London 1888, I, pag. 684. ? Steward, Improved forceps. Tr. Intern. M. Congr Washington 1887, II, pag. 328. ? Studley, Mechanism of forceps labour and the principles of forceps coDStruction. Amer. Journ. Med. Sc. Philadelphia 1882, n. s., pag. 87. ? Tarnier, Perfectionnement dans la construction et dans l'application du forceps. Tr. Intern. M. Congr. 7. sess. London 1881, IV, pag. 374. ? Tarnier, Considerations sur le forceps. Annal. de gyn. Paris 1882, XVII, pag. 401. ? Tarnier, Considerations sur le forceps. Journ. de med de Paris. 1882, II, pag. 221. ? Taylor, The early application of the forceps in the first stage of natural labor. Tr. Amer. Gyn. Soc. 1879, 1880, pag. 240. ? Taylor, The use of the forceps in prolonged labor from uterine inertia. Denver Med. Times. 1889?1890, IX, pag. 1, ? Thomas, The application of the forceps in head presentations when the occiput is too far forward. Amer. Journ. of Obstetr. New York 1884, XVII, pag. 733. ? Trüzzi, Nuovo ricerche sui vantaggi e sulla tecnica della applicazione del forcipe sull' ovoide podalico del feto. Gazz. med. ital. lomb. Milano 1883. ? Varnier, De l'application du forceps au detroit supeneur retreci. Gaz. hebd. de med. Paris 1888, pag. 738. ? Verbeek, De nieuwste ver- betering van de verlooskundige tang (Zange). Geneesk. Courant. Tiel 1882, XXXVI, pag. 22. ? Verrier, De la reduction par le forceps des positions occipito-posterieures du sommet. Med. prat. Paris 1883, IV, pag. 109, 121. ? Verrier, Superiorite" du forceps de Tarnier sur celui de Levret dans les positions O. J. P. Eevue m6d. -chir. d. malad, d. femmes. Paris 1884, VI, pag. 61. ? Vinnedge, The forceps in tedious labor. Amer. Pract. Louisville 1880, pag. 201. ? Vogt, Instrumentalbjaelp i Jordemoder praxis. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk. Christiana 1881, pag. 257. ? Wallace, On the use of the obstetrical forceps. Med. and Surg. Reporter. Philadelphia 1881, pag. 373, 396. ? Wasseige, Essai pratique et apprewa- tion du forceps du Dr. Tarniür. Annal. See. med. -chir. de Liege. 1879, pag. 325?333. ? Waseeige, Essais pratique du dernier modele du forceps Tarnier. Annal. de gyn. Paris 1881, pag. 1. ? Webb, Axis-traction forceps. Lancet. London 1881, II, pag. 869. ? Webb, Axis- traction foreepp. Brit. med. Journ. London 1881, II, pag. 670. ? Weist, The dangers of delayed labor and the use of forceps. Amer. Pract. Louisville 1882, XXV, pag. 257. ? Wells, An axis-traction attachment applicable to any variety of forceps. Amer. Journ. of Obstetr. New York 1886, XIX, pag. 487. ? Williams, Forceps in tedious labors. Maryland Med. Journ. Baltimore 1880, pag. 145-156. ? Willis, When and how should obstetrical forceps be used? Homoeop. Journ. of Obstetr. New York 1879 ? 1880, pag. 314 bis 319. ? Wilson, Remarks on the use of Tarnier's forceps. Tr. Amer. Gyn. Soc. 1885. New York 1886, X, pag. 184. ? Winckel, Zur Anwendung von Extractionsinstrumenten in der Seitenlage. Centralbl. f. Gyn. 1883, Nr. 2. ? Winter, Ueber Extraction des nachfolgend en Kopfes. Zeitschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyn. XII, pag. 345. ? v. Wislocki, Ueber den Mechanismus der Zangentractionen. Frauenarzt. Berlin 1887, II, pag. 359. ? Yarnall, Forceps versus podalic version in contraction of the pelvis in the antero-posterior diameter of the superior strait. St. Louis Cour. Med. 1881, pag. 101. ? Yarnall, Version or forceps. St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journ. 1884. ? Zimmermann, Ueber die Anlegung der Zange bei engem Becken und hochstehendem Kopfe. Halle a. S. 1889.

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